Concrete Hope

Time again for the addictive Friday Fictioneers, hosted by the lovely purple addicted (and Friday Fictioneer addicted) Rochelle Wiseoff Fields. For more information for this challenge or should you like to join the rest of us addicts, please click on Rochelle’s blog:

Rochelle Wiseoff Fields – Addicted to Purple

This photo, copyright to Jan Wayne Fields, is the prompt for our story this week, of 100 words or less.


The laborious work of keeping up with farm chores, became too difficult for my husband and me, in our golden years. After many years of gardening, canning the vegetables, milking the cows, keeping the cattle out of the alfapha, we decided it was time to move to the city.

Our youngest daughter and son moved to the city with us. After a few months of this concrete jungle, she moved out and sadly, we haven’t heard from her since.

Setting the table, I see the bright red flowers through the window, and set an extra plate for her.

100 Words


44 thoughts on “Concrete Hope

  1. Love always hopes, doesn’t it? I hope hers is rewarded one day soon. (Just FYI, in that first sentence, it would be “for my husband and me.” Hope you don’t mind me mentioning it.)


    • Thank you! No I don’t mind you mentioning it at all because I realized that after (of course) I had published it. Then I got busy reading everyone’s stories I forgot to go in and change it. 🙂

  2. Dear Joy,

    It’s sad when families split apart like this. I’m reminded of a friend who is estranged from one of her children. She doesn’t say much about how much it hurts but I know it does.

    Well done.



    PS There’s no ‘e’ in Wisoff. 😉 Although I had a teacher that used to call me ‘Wise-off’ on purpose.

  3. Nicely done. “laborious work… farm chores…” how true and then the watching the red flowers… missing the farming life and assisting things to grow? Enjoyed the read.

    • Thank you very much. I almost didn’t see them and was just about to publish what I had written when I noticed the flowers. So I just “had” to change my story to include them.

  4. Oh, I sure hope she comes home to see her family. She wouldn’t want to miss out on such a lovely dinner. Something about flowers makes it more hopeful. Great story and take!

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