Change the World

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Be the Change.”

What change, big or small, would you like your blog to make in the world? ~ Daily Post 1/2/15

It is highly unlikely that my blog would make any major changes in this world. But if I can make a difference for the better in even just one person’s life, it will have been worth it.

This world has too much hate, bitterness, and ugliness. What is needed is people who love, care, and understand each other and the more this happens, then this world becomes a better place.

My blog may not make bells ring or fireworks explode, but when I feel I have made the difference, for the better, in someone else’s life, then those bells ring and fireworks explode for me. (And hopefully, also for the other person).

Who knows? Maybe we can end wars, stop hate, bigotry, and bitterness in the world – just one blog at a time. My blog and your blog.

All of us together as one, can make all the difference that this world needs – to change.

It’s Not About Me

People don't like me, it's as simple as that. Perhaps they have made judgements about me based on what they have read from me on the internet. Or, possibly, they have heard other people talking about me and based their conclusion on that, or saw me and didn't like what they saw. Maybe their friend doesn't like me so they don't like me either. I can only speculate, wonder, wish, hope for more communication.

“Why don't you like me?”

“Let me tell you why I don't like you.”

I feel like a gangly teenager with the buck teeth, the big round black glasses, frizzy hair, and braces. I feel like I am suppose to be in a personality contest and if I don't win then it's the end of the world.

I feel like I try so hard that I inevitably do the wrong thing, say the wrong thing, eat the wrong thing, write the wrong thing…you get my jest.

I'm not here to have a pity party. I am just saying, I would like to be your friend. Why can't we be friends? Why do people have to bully, humiliate and ignore other people?

What is the expectation that we are all suppose to live up to in order to be accepted, liked, loved, and wanted?

Do I look for it in a beauty magazine? Do I read, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” (by Dale Carnagie?) Do I need to attend the “right” church, or go to the “posh” school, or wear the latest fashions, or drive the most expensive car?

Am I suppose to have a certain amount of money in my bank account, have a certain college degree, or certain type of friends?

Why are there so many uppity-up people? (Those people who think they are better than everyone else). Please tell me why you think you are better than me? And, better than Joe Blo that is sipping vodka under the Blankety Bridge?

Would the world end if you stopped feeding your ego? Do you think this world would be a better place if everyone stopped living to feed their egos? Not only would it not end, it would be a hella of a lot better place to live. Maybe countries and people would stop bombing each other, stop killing each other, stop hurting each other. Just stop….stop!

Maybe that little baby you just gave birth to, or your wife just gave birth to would have a better world in which to grow up in. A world without all this damn hate!


And, while you are at it. Please tell me why you don't like me so I can change. Or better yet. So you can change.


SPRING is Coming Soon!

This is the very first bush in my yard that blooms preparing for the oncoming Spring Season. This year it bloomed a wee bit early. When this bush blooms it is bright yellow; quite a contrast next to all the other plants that are still dormant and dead looking. These blooms (to me) are always a promise that Spring will be here soon. That makes me happy.


This Lost Lamb (A Christmas Message)

I hate to admit it, but I am that terrible, horrible, disgusting sinner, that Jesus Christ had to come to this earth for. I am that person that rebelled against my parents, rebelled against my marriage, and rebelled against God. However, this is what really gets to me the most, God, through Jesus Christ, left his celestial paradise and came to this horrid sin-filled earth BECAUSE HE LOVES ME! I was that lost lamb that he came to earth to find and bring back to him. He was not willing to lose me to the wolves and other prey of this world that were getting their hold on me.

When I was at my worst and at my darkest time, believing I was beyong saving, my blessed Savior was still there for me. NO TO THE HELL FOR ME! Jesus Christ would have none of that! He was there to rescue me out of those evil jaws!

Something knocked me in the head and I repented and opened my eyes; and my life has not been the same since. (Thank you Jesus! Thank you God!)

Thank you Lord, for leaving your heavenly home to find me and bring me back to your safe and loving arms. Thank you for your precious Grace. Thank you for coming to this earth to rescue me from my sins. I now know your voice and I do not want to be anywhere else, except in your celestial kingdom with you for all eternity.


(Photo borrowed from Pinterest. Thank you Pinterest).