FFfAW – New Coffee

This morning I decided to try the new coffee I bought at the grocery store last Saturday. It's name is “Nature's Best Coffee.”

I put 2 heaping teaspoons full of the black granuals in my cup and added water from the kitchen sink. I then placed the cup into the microwave and heated it up for 1 and a half minutes.

When I took it out of the microwave, I couldn't believe my eyes. I didn't recognize the goop that was flowing over the sides of the cup.

Desperate, I grabbed the package and read the ingredients.

“Genetically Modified.”



Thank you artycaptures for our photo prompt this week!


This is my 100 word story for the flash fiction challenge, Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers. We are given a photo prompt that is kindly photographed by our participants and approximately 75-175 words with which to create our stories. It's fun and everyone is invited to participate. For more information, click HERE.

To read all the stories submitted for this challenge, click on the blue froggy button below:


FFfAW-Bicycle for Two

I saw the boys riding their bicycle built for two every single day, right after lunch. I found myself looking forward to seeing them each day. Then, one day, I didn't see them.

I watched for them every day but they didn't show up. I began to get frantic. Where are the boys? Why have they stopped riding their unusual bike?

My mind went into many different directions and I decided to inquire about them.

I asked the corner grocer if he knew the boys on the bicycle built for two. He told me he did know them but hadn't seen them in several weeks. He had no idea where they had gone.

A patron of the grocery store overheard me asking about them and quickly told me what he knew.

The boys are brothers and the older brother left to join the military. The younger brother left for a boarding school.

Life changes so quickly. Not only for the brothers, but also for me. With sadness, I stopped watching for the boys each day.


Thank you dorothy for our photo prompt this week!


This is my 175 word story for the flash fiction challenge, Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers. We are given a photo prompt that is kindly photographed by our participants and approximately 75-175 words with which to create our stories. It's fun and everyone is invited to participate. For more information, click HERE.

To read all the stories submitted for this challenge, click on the blue froggy button below:


FFfAW-Family Vacation

My husband and I decided to take two months off of work and go to as many beaches as we could. We had been saving for a long time for this vacation because Randall loves to kayak and I just love the oceans.

Randall was out kayaking and I was lying on the beach soaking in the sun when a young man came running, yelling, “Shark! Shark!”

Instantly, I jumped up and started looking for Randall. I couldn't see him and my heart fell to the bottom of my stomach.

I ran as fast as I could to the ocean and saw that everyone on the beach were panicking. Me included.

I strained my eyes to look for Randall and began to believe the shark had attacked him. Tears were welling up in my eyes making it difficult for me to see.

Suddenly, someone touched my shoulder and I automatically turned around. It was Randall. He had gone to get himself a hotdog.

I hugged him tight and cried, thankful he had become hungry.




Thank you TJ Paris for our photo prompt this week!



This is my 175 word story for the flash fiction challenge, Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers. We are given a photo prompt that is kindly photographed by our participants and approximately 75-175 words with which to create our stories. It's fun and everyone is invited to participate. For more information, click HERE.

To read all the stories submitted for this challenge, click on the blue froggy button below:




Running from my captor, I swam across the channel. No sooner had I got to land he came after me in his boat.

All I could think of was, run, run! If he catches me he will kill me! I must run and I must hide!

What do I do? I have ran so much I can barely catch my breath but he is still hot on my trail.

I told him I didn't know where the jewels were because I had nothing to do with them. It's Robert, not me!

Finally! He is leaving and I can breathe again.


Thank you Louise for our photo prompt this week!


This is my 100 word story for the flash fiction challenge, Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers. We are given a photo prompt that is kindly photographed by our participants and approximately 75-175 words with which to create our stories. It's fun and everyone is invited to participate. For more information, click HERE.

To read all the stories submitted for this challenge, click on the blue froggy button below:



FFfAW – Don’t Jump!!

I told him not to do it. I begged him not to do it. But he was determined to do it anyway. I cried. That didn't phase him.

I watched as he walked on the roof to the edge. I prayed he wouldn't jump. My heart was beating out of my chest.

I told him I loved him, but he didn't believe me. I tried to convince him that I loved him. Still, he stood on the edge of the roof and jumped.

My heart dropped.

He flew! He flew like he said he could and I didn't believe him.


Thank you Grant-Sud for our photo prompt this week!


This is my 100 word story for the flash fiction challenge, Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers. We are given a photo prompt that is kindly photographed by our participants and approximately 75-175 words with which to create our stories. It's fun and everyone is invited to participate. For more information, click HERE.

To read all the stories submitted for this challenge, click on the blue froggy button below:



FFfAW-On The Map

We took a road trip to Montana to get away for a week. Little did we know what we would encounter while on our trip.

We came across a roadside business where they make different characters from logs. Such wonderful wood carvings!

But there was one carving that really caught my eye. It was a carving of an alien.

I asked the business owner why they would carve an alien. This is what he told me,

“Several years ago we had an UFO land about a mile from here. Several people were able to get photos. When the aliens saw the lights of the cameras go off they got into their spaceship and took off.

When the pictures were developed, the photos looked liked they were simply overexposed and no image of the spaceship was photographedp.”

He said, “Our little town has become the second UFO capital of the world. (Roswell, New Mexico is the first), and a lot of people come to see where this spaceship landed, putting our little town on the map!”


Thank you Mark for our photo prompt this week!

This is my 175 word story for the flash fiction challenge, Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers. We are given a photo prompt and approximately 75-175 words with which to create our stories. It's fun and everyone is invited to participate. For more information, click HERE.

To read all the amazing stories written for this challenge, click on the blue froggy button below:


FFfAW-Wait Until Morning

I was awakened by noises out in the parking lot of my apartment when someone started trying to get into my front door. I sat up quickly and listened. The door rattled some more. I ran to my closet and I crouched in my closet as quiet as a church mouse. My heart was beating so fast. I had to slow down my breathing so It wouldn't be so loud.

Men were yelling at each other outside. All I could think of was the apartment down the street was robbed and the woman that lived there had been raped and beaten. She is still in the hospital recovering. Oh my God, what if that happens to me? I started shaking. The time passed so slowly.

All of a sudden, my alarm went off and I knew that it was 6:00 am. The noises had stopped and I felt safe to come out of my closet. The sun was rising and I was safe. Suddenly it occurred to me, how badly I had to pee!


Thank you to Footy and Foodie for our photo prompt!

This is my 175 word story for the flash fiction challenge, Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers. We are given a photo prompt and approximately 75-175 words with which to create our stories. It's fun and everyone is invited to participate. For more information, click HERE.

To read the other stories submitted for this challenge, click on the blue froggy button below:


FFfAW – A Trip to the Museum

Robert is a history buff and decided we would travel to see the Museum of Strange History in Gargoyle, Illinois. I wasn't really into it but to make him happy, I told him we would go.

The day we left for the trip was beautiful. The sky was bright blue and the sun was out. This was a good thing because we had experienced a rough winter.

The drive would take us two days and we would stay in a motel on the way. We drove through some beautiful areas and I enjoyed seeing the gorgeous landscape.

We stopped in Ottawa and got us a motel. We had a very nice dinner at Pirate Jacks. I made several new friends.

The next afternoon, we reached Gargoyle and Robert was excited to go to the museum. We got us another motel, changed our clothes and left for the museum.

It was closed!

I certainly enjoyed the trip but I can't say the same for Robert.

Thank you MajesticGoldenRose for our photo prompt this week!

This is my 164 word story for the flash fiction challenge, Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers. We are given a photo prompt and approximately 75-175 words with which to build our stories. It's fun and everyone is invited to join. For more information, click HERE.

To read other stories submitted for this challenge, please click the blue froggy button below:


FFfAW – Spanky

My sweet dachshund, Spanky, loved going to the woods and hills and run. We use to take him there when we went hiking. That was his favorite thing to do. I loved seeing him so happy.

When Spanky passed away, we decided to bury him in the hills that he loved so much. We carefully buried him and put rocks over his grave so other animals wouldn't dig up his remains.

I know that Spanky is still there running in the hills with his friends. It brings me peace to think of him running in those beautiful hills and woods.


Thank you Pamela S. Canepa for our photo prompt this week.

This is my 100 word true story for the flash fiction challenge, Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers. We are given a photo and approximately 75-175 words with which to create our stories. It's fun and everyone is invited to participate. For more information, click HERE.

To read other stories submitted for this challenge, click on the blue froggy link below:


FFfAW – The Trolley

During our family vacation, mom told us one of the things we would do while in San Francisco is take the trolley car to go shopping. All of us children were looking forward to that. We had seen pictures of the trolley and thought it would be a lot of fun.

When we got there, mom bought all the tickets and lined us up to board. My brother and I started play fighting which made mom mad. We were told we would have to stay at the hotel while she and the girls went shopping.

Bobby and I went back to the hotel to our room and decided to spend the afternoon watching cartoons. When we turned on the television it informed us that we had to put money in in order to get any programs. Drats! We couldn't watch the television.

It was a boring afternoon for me and Bobby. We ended up falling asleep and dreamed of riding the trolley.

Thank you Yinglan for our photo prompt!

This is my 162 word story for the flash fiction challenge, Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers. We are given a photo prompt and approximately 75-175 words with which to create our story. It's fun and everyone is invited to participate. For more information, click HERE.

To read all the wonderful stories written for this challege, click on the blue froggy button below: