New Blog Title!

For those of you who read and/or follow my blog will notice that today I have changed my blog title from “Bleeding my Emotions” to “Inspiring my Emotions.”

Having the title of “Bleeding my Emotions” made me feel I needed to keep my blog to more depressive type posts. In reality, I really want to try and stay away from bleeding heart posts. Although I still want to post more about my struggle OUT of mental illness in my future posts, I do want to keep it on a more positive light.

It is my hope that my new blog “direction” will enlighten, entertain, amuse, as well as, be endearing to you in the future. After all, you are the one who I write to in the first place. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Picture Credit to Pinterest

One of Those Days

Sometimes it isn't easy to fight against all the negativity that has come our way in our lifetime. There are days that all that negativity in my life bans together to gang up on me. Today is one of those days.

Do you ever feel like all the harsh words and wrongful deeds ever done to you and all the mistakes that you have made in the past, are all tumbling down on top of you? It sure feels like that to me today. I keep hearing all these negative and hurtful things being said to me and seeing all the mistakes that I have made.


Instead, I am allowing the sonshine to fill up my beautiful and tortured soul.

Picture from Pinterest. (Thank you Pinterest).


How Long Does Love Last?

I am divorced, so if I were to answer this question, I would automatically say, “Not very long.” But that really isn't true. My ex put me through hell and back, but I still have feelings for him. I must, I still dream about him. I rarely ever dream about men, but when I do, it is usually about him, and we have been divorced awhile.

A very wise man, and friend, told me once, “there is a fine line between love and hate.” At that time (right after my divorce) I could not comprehend that. After all, I HATED HIM! After what he put me through, I truly felt like I hated him. Yet, as time went by and all my bruises (not literally) and my “broken into a billion pieces” heart healed, I realized there truly is a fine line between love and hate. I do still love him. Not in the same way as I did when we were married, but it still is love. It is just a different type of love, but love, nonetheless.

After my divorce, I had to literally question the biblical definition of love. After all, HOW CAN ANY HUMAN BEING LOVE LIKE THAT? (I certainly didn't). I was much too young and immature. I didn't even know the difference between love and lust.

Love never ends, it simply “changes”. Yes, I know some of you are going rebuke this, but I think that years from now, you will agree with me.

New King James Version: 1 Corinthians 13

4 Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up, 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in inquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

8 Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part. 10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.

In other words, love is stronger than concrete. Love never fails. Concrete is pretty strong, but after years of wear, it will fail.


Perfect love is like a diamond. Consider what a piece of coal has to go through in order to become a diamond. Therefore, according to scriptures, perfect love must be like a diamond.

I cannot say that I have “perfect” love for my ex-husband because I don't. But at least I don't hate him anymore.

When you think you hate someone, remember, “There is a very fine line between love and hate.”

Right now, we are all nothing but lumps of coal, but someday, we will all be beautiful diamonds.


Strange Relationships

Have you ever been in a relationship where you don't know where you stand? It is a very uncomfortable relationship isn't it?

I am in this type of relationship with one of my family members. It seems everything I do is wrong. Right now he doesn't even appear to be talking to me and I have no idea why. And, if he isn't talking to me how do I find out what I have done wrong? Seriously, I have no idea.

There has been this sadness that has been lingering over me recently because of this and I can't shake it off.

It is an awful feeling to feel like you have been a failure to your own child.






Bleeding My Emotions

When I first started my blog in the middle of November (right before Thanksgiving) I was as green as a person can be in starting my blog. Amid my confusion of putting this blog together (customize, name, etc.) I decided at the time the best name for my blog was “Someday I will Get This Write (Right)” because I was so confused and was literally learning by trial and error. Yet I knew this name was only going to be temporary.

Now I feel I have a grown a little on this site (at least I hope so). And I have changed the name of my blog to “BLEEDING MY EMOTIONS.” I chose this name to help me have the courage to bear my emotions on my blog and to write about past events that are all difficult for me to talk about, especially on a public forum. But I know the only way that I can do this is with all the love and support I have received from all you wonderful friends and bloggers that are following my blogs or at least reading them once in a while and leaving a sweet comment.

I believe it is you, dear friends and bloggers that are giving me the courage to post things that are uncomfortable for me to post; to literally, “bleed my emotions” into my posts — or future posts. As a result, I hope you will find them always inspiring, maybe sometimes comical, but most of all, I hope my stories enlighten you and make your life, even in a small way, a little bit brighter.

So.. for 2014, the Title of my blog is: BLEEDING my EMOTIONS