Friday Fictioneers Feb 11, 2015

This home is third generation. My great grandmother lived here with her husband, then my grandmother with hers. My mother, however, eloped with her husband and they chose to live in New York City. As soon as I graduated high school, I ran as fast as I could to live in Georgia, the most beautiful state in the union.

After five years of marriage, my husband said it reminded him of a prison and left to find greener pastures.

As I sit on the old front porch and rock, I stare at the shadows and think, “My Eden, his prison.”

Friday Fictioneers is a challenge hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. She give us a photo prompt and challenges us to write a story of 100 words or less.

Would you like to join Friday Fictioneers? Please click on the following link:

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields – Addicted to Purple



A Silly Romance Story

Time for Friday Fictioneers! Hosted by our gracious leader, Rochelle Wisoff-Fields, author of the blog, Rochelle Wisoff-Fields – Addicted to Purple.

PHOTO PROMPT Copyright Melanie Greenwood
A Silly Romance Story

“This picture was taken on a very special day. Ricky told me to go through the labyrinth to get to the gazebo and he had a surprise waiting for me. I was so excited! I knew what it was and I had hoped for this moment for the past six months.”

“Tell me about the labyrinth. Was it easy to get through?”

“It took me ten minutes, but finally I made it to the end. I wanted to get to the gift that awaited me.”

“Tell me what it was, I think I might know.”

Sighing heavily, “A promise ring.”


100 words not counting title.


Friday Fictioneers Jan 30, 2015

Dusk was falling fast on the high security prison, filling Ray's cell with an eerie dusty light. Anticipating his last meal, Ray knew he had chosen well, T-bone steak, baked potato; corn, a whole wheat bun and apple pie ala-mode.

Later, the guards came and led him down the long hall to the electricity room, where they put him in a chair and tied a black hood over his head.

After making sure he was secure, the old guard yelled, “Ready! Set! Power the juice!”


(Ray wasn't dead).


(Still wasn't dead).

“Oh hell! Get em' up. He lives.”

  • ~100 words~

copyright: Ted Strutz

It is time once again for Friday Fictioneers, which is graciously hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Our challenge is to write a story, using the photo prompt given, with a beginning, middle, and end, in 100 words or less. It's fun. Join us.

If you are interested in participating, click:

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields – Addicted to Purple



Friday Fictioneers 1/21/2015

“Two of us died on that boat. Three of us lived only by the skin of our teeth, and only because the Coast Guard saved us.”

I softly cleared my throat, laid my pen down and looked him in the eyes,

“Will you tell me what led you and the others to climb on that tiny boat?”

“Freedom. Simple as that. We couldn't live there no more under that dictator.”

“Has it been worth it?”

“They shot my little brother and cousin for watching television. A damn soccer game. So…to answer your question…. yep, freedom is damn sure worth it.”

~100 words

(copyright) Georgia Koch


The magical authoress, Rochelle Wisoff-Fields, creator of the blog, Rochelle Wisoff-Fields-Addicted to Purple, is the gracious host of the Friday Fictioneers Challenge for all of the fabulous writers, and me. Georgia Koch has generously loaned us the photo prompt photo of which we are challenged to weave a story (beginning, middle and end) with 100 words or less, and to make every word count.

If you would like to jump into this challenge, please click on: Rochelle Wisoff-Fields-Addicted to Purple, for more information.


Concrete Hope

Time again for the addictive Friday Fictioneers, hosted by the lovely purple addicted (and Friday Fictioneer addicted) Rochelle Wiseoff Fields. For more information for this challenge or should you like to join the rest of us addicts, please click on Rochelle’s blog:

Rochelle Wiseoff Fields – Addicted to Purple

This photo, copyright to Jan Wayne Fields, is the prompt for our story this week, of 100 words or less.


The laborious work of keeping up with farm chores, became too difficult for my husband and me, in our golden years. After many years of gardening, canning the vegetables, milking the cows, keeping the cattle out of the alfapha, we decided it was time to move to the city.

Our youngest daughter and son moved to the city with us. After a few months of this concrete jungle, she moved out and sadly, we haven’t heard from her since.

Setting the table, I see the bright red flowers through the window, and set an extra plate for her.

100 Words


Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time is a little diner on the corner of 5th and Broadway, right across from my dismal room at the boarding house. Sometimes I go there and have coffee, or something to eat, just to be around people and the busyness of their lives. When I am not at the diner, I am standing at my window wishing I was. Once upon a time I hitchhiked the famous Route 66. Once upon a time it brought me here. Once upon a time I had someone in my life. Once Upon a Time is my kind of place.

100 Words

copyright: Jean L. Hays

Friday Fictioneers is hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields Addicted to Purple. Each Friday she selects a photograph that we use to create a story of 100 words or less. If you are interested in joining the challenge please click on this url for more information:


Abraham’s Friend

Abraham, a long time patient of the psychiatric ward, performed only one single activity daily; sitting, rocking and staring out of his room's second floor window. Today, was nurse McAffey's day to observe him. She charted her observations, and sadly returned to her station.

Little did they know that Abraham had befriended the spider on the other side of that barred window. He watched the spider daily; trap a cockroach and eat it's savory meal. Today it was Nurse McAffey. Tomorrow it will be another pathetic nurse on duty who silently observes him. No one will notice they're missing. (100 words)


Friday Fictioneers Prompt Photo December 19, 2014

Copyright: Douglas M. Macllroy

Friday Fictioneers hosted by Rochelle Wiseoff-Fields, Addicted to Purple. For more information: