FFfAW-The Angel Statue

Claire's heart was breaking. Her daily walk to the angel statue for the past twelve weeks seemed pointless. Little Bella cannot take more chemo therapy.

Legends say prayers will be answered by visiting the angel statue every day for 90 days; if the prayer is worthy.

Claire's cheeks dampen as she thinks of Bella and having to accept her horrible fate.

When Claire walks in the door, Bella runs over to her wagging her tail, jumping up into her arms and licking kisses all over her face.

Claire was elated. The cancer is in remission!

Her life has been spared.



Sonya O. with the blog, “Only 100 Words” provided us with our weekly photo prompt. Thank you Sonya!

This is my 100 word submission for the challenge, Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers. We are given a photo prompt and approximately 100-150 words with which to create our stories. It is fun and addicting and everyone is invited to participate. For more information, click HERE.

To read the wonderful stories from fantastic flash fiction writers, click on the blue froggy button below.


MFtS-The Spy

“She lived a life that some would describe as being on edge.” Her spy name was “Double Nickles” and we never could figure that one out.

Because she preferred living on the edge, she made an outstanding spy for the United States of America. She gleaned excellent information for the CIA from behind the iron curtain.

We were never given the details of how she was able to obtain this information, (we could only imagine) but she certainly did an excellent job.

When the wall came down between East and West Berlin, she was able to retire and peacefully live the remainder of her life inside the safety of the United States. (100)

This is my 100 word submission for the challenge, Mondays Finish the Story that is kindly hosted by Barbara Beacham. She gives us the first sentence to our stories along with 100-150 additional words and a photo prompt which we use to create our stories. It's fun and addicting and everyone is invited to join the fun. For more information, click HERE.

To read all the awesome stories created by wonderful creative writers, click HERE.

SPF Challenge-The Black Hole

My mother is constantly screaming at me to clean my room. Hey – I'm a teenager and teenagers don't have clean rooms! She gets mad at me whenever I can't find something. She tells me, “It's probably lost in that black hole you call a bedroom!” So there are a few dirty dishes sitting around. I haven't had time to take them to the kitchen.

I am in my bedroom looking for my homework but can't find it and suddenly this hand grabs my ankle from this black hole that suddenly appears and I yell, “HELLLLPPP!!!”

glub glub glub


Thank you Al Forbes for our photo prompt this week!


This is my 100 word submission for the Sunday Photo Fiction Challenge that is kindly hosted by Al Forbes. He provides us with a weekly photo prompt and approximately 100-200 words with which we create our stories. It is fun and addicting and everyone is invited to participate. For more information, click HERE.



FFfAW-The Date

Tiffany laid her head on the table, tears slipping from her eyes marking a dark path down her cheek.

David finally asked her out and to go for dinner and to the opera. She was more than excited!

“I found the most stunning dress and made sure I looked beautiful for our date. Why has he not shown up?” she thought.


As soon as they pulled David from the wreck, the ambulance rushed him to the hospital. They found Tiffany's name and phone number in his pocket.


Believing it was David calling, Tiffany rushed to answer the phone.



Our prompt photo is provided by pixabay.com. This is my 100 word story for the Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers Challenge. We are given a prompt photo and approximately 100-150 words with which to write a story. It is fun and addicting and everyone is invited to participate. For more information, click on this link.

To read the amazing stories written by talented writing artists, click on the blue froggy button below.

MFtS – Surrogate Mother

I watched the vulture looking at me hungrily as I lay on the ground bleeding and injured, and I knew it was planning to make me its next meal. I slowly rose from the ground to run, when the vulture suddenly swooped down, picking me up with its sharp and dangerous talons.

She lifted me then gingerly placed me inside the nest with her babies and quickly flew away. This mother vulture had placed me there to care for her babies. Finally, with the nest and babies in my arms, I slowly climbed down the pole, taking them to my garage. I fed them several times a day until they were old enough to be released back into the wild.

I found out later that the mother vulture knew she was dying and had selected me to be the surrogate mother to her babies.

I thought I was going to be incredible easy food to her and her babies but it turned out, I was so very much more. (100)

Barbara Beacham is our wonderful host for Mondays Finish the Story Challenge. (Keep up the great healing Barb! We are cheering for you!). She supplies us with the first sentence to our story, the photo prompt, and approximately 100-150 words with which we build our stories with. Everyone is welcome to participate in this challenge by writing a story based on the photo prompt and linking it to the blue froggy link. Warning! It is challenging and fun. For more information, click here.

To read all the awesome stories that have been submitted by great writing artists, click on this link.


Sandra began coasting on her bicycle on the street in front of her house when a memory flashed in her head of a little girl about the age of 10 riding a Penny Farthing bicycle from about a century ago. This wasn't the first time she had a flashback of this very same image. Could reincarnation really be possible? She had never believed in reincarnation before. She realized that it wasn't only possible, it was probably true. Sandra came to the realization that she had been that little girl who had ridden that Penny Farthing bicycle over a century ago. (100)

Al Forbes is our kind host for the Sunday Photo Fiction Challenge. He supplies us with our photo prompt and approximately 100-200 words with which we are to create our stories. It is fun and addicting and everyone is invited to participate by writing a story to go along with the photo prompt. For more information, click on this link.

To read the stories submitted by other writing artists, please click on this link.


FFfAW-My Friend, Buddy

Buddy Butterfly landed on my favoritest bush and I saw the ol' lizard lying in wait. Gasping, “Please don't eat him,” I secretly beg.

The mean ol' lizard slowly crept toward Buddy….Gulp!

“Oh no! He ate my friend!”

Buddy wiggled and fought and got away! Whew! A great big bite was taken from his wing, but at least he could still fly!

I fluttered my wings at the lizard and chirped at him, “BOO!” and scared that rascal lizard away.

Birds are suppose to eat butterflies, but I don't. Butterflies are my goodest friends. You don't eat your goodest friends.



Thank you to TJ Paris for our supplying our prompt photo this week.

This is my 100 word submission to Flash Fiction for the Aspiring Writers Challenge. This challenge supplies us with a photo prompt and appoximately 100-150 words with which we build our stories with. It is fun and addicting and open to all who would like to participate. If you would like more information, click on this link.

To read all the amazing stories written by talented authors, click on the blue froggy button below.

The Bravest of All

Not knowing what to expect, he made his way into the dark of the forest. Carlton's bravery was above others and is what endeared him to Lady Beth. She loved brave men and the bravest of all was Sir Carlton.

When he returned, Sir Carlton was shaken. His face was ashen white and he trembled as he rode his beautiful horse, Manners. He reported that he had seen a spaceship land that was occupied by small green beings who took him inside their spaceship and examined him.

The other knights laughed. They thought it was ridiculous. To win the love of Lady Beth, Sir Landon went into the dark of the forest – never to return.



Barbara Beacham is our lovely host for Mondays Finish the Story Challenge. She supplies us with the first sentence to our story, a great photo prompt and approximately 100-150 words with which we build our stories. Everyone is invited to participate. For more information, click on this link.

To read the other stories written by amazing writers, click on this link.

My Amazing Dog

“Why do you have a statue of a dog on your front porch?” Stewart asked Louis.

Louis rubbed his chin thoughtfully and answered, “That isn't just a statue of a dog, it is a statue of Rusty, one of the most amazing and my favorite dog of all time.” He trailed his last few words as he thought of his old friend.

“I would love to hear about Rusty,”

Sighing as he reminisced, Louis said, “He saved my life when I came home from the war,” taking a deep breath, “He pulled me from the depth of despair by showing me life was worth living again and I owe my life to Rusty.”

As they were staring at the statue it began to glow, “And, that is Rusty telling me he loves and misses me too.”

“That is amazing! How did you do that?”

“It just happens when I am standing near the statue and I think or speak about Rusty,” Louis continued grinning, “Didn't I just tell you that Rusty was an amazing dog?”


Al Forbes is our kind host for the Sunday Photo Fiction Challenge. He provides us with a photo prompt and approxiately 200 words with which we create our stories. The challenge is open to all who would like to participate. For more information, click on this link.

To read the wonderful stories written by amazing writers, click here.


MFtS-Life of Riley

“Now this is living the life of Riley,” Tara giggled as she petted her kitty, Fluffy, the queen of the house. Fluffy moved onto her back so she could get some tummy scratches.

Tara turned to her husband and cooed, “Let's take that cruise we have been talking about. I'm ready to have a life of Riley for awhile too.”

David laughed, “You already live a life of Riley,” he folded the paper he was reading as he teased his wife.

Tara eyed her husband angrily and retorted, “Tomorrow, you start cleaning the house and cooking the meals.”

David laughed nervously, “Alright, alright sweetie. We will take that vacation.”



This is my 100 word story for the challenge, Mondays Finish the Story. Barbara Beacham is our kind host and she provides us with our photo prompt, the first sentence to our story and approximately 150 words with which we create our stories. This challenge is open to all who would like to participate. For more information, click on this link.

To read all the fantastic stories written by awesome writers, click on this link.