Moral Monday (MM) Challenge 1

The assignment is to write a story or fable that is fable inspired that will teach the lesson of the week. This week's lesson is:

“Treat others the way you want to be treated.”Let the story/fable teach the lesson.”

The word limit is 100 words.


Jimmy Jumper from the Jumper Rabbit family hopped into his home in the ground, crying, “Waaaa. Dottie won't play with me.”

Jimmy's mother came up to him and with concern and said, “but she has always played with you before. Why would she suddenly stop playing with you?”

“I pulled her ears and she said it hurt.”

“Jimmy, would you like it if she pulled your ears?”

“No mama.”

“Would you want to play with her if she pulled your ears?”

“No, mama.”

“Do you understand what I am telling you?”

“Yes mama, but why won't she play with me?”




Nortina, with the blog, Lovely Curses, has started a new challenge called, Moral Monday's. She has a new blog titled, for this challenge. This is the first week of the challenge and everyone is invited to participate. Are you interested? Check out the link!

WotD Haiku Challenge

Word of the Day Haiku Challenge:


a-fahyn-l, uh-fahyn-l

related by or concerning marriage.


affinal kindred

live near by my wife and I

making life easier


This is my Haiku for Kat's challenge, Word of the Day Haiku Challenge. Kat is the author of the blog, like mercury colliding. She writes poems, Haiku, and stories. Check it out here. You won't be disappointed.


FFfAW – Flower Power

My best friend bought himself an old car and painted it to resemble a flower garden. “Flower Power,” he said.

His plans were to go to Haight-Ashbury in San Francisco and live in a hippie commune. He was into, “Love, Peace and Flower Power.”

I wished him well as he loaded up his flower power car. I laughed at the flower bed growing on the roof.

“Please stay safe,” I yell to him as he started the car to pull away.

I watch him drive down the street and know deep down, I will never see my friend again.




When I was in high school, the “Hippie Age” was going strong. I had a dear friend that wanted to be apart of the hippy commune in Haight-Ashbury (San Francisco, California). After graduation, I believe she left to follow her dream. I have not seen her since graduation, but I think of her often.

This is my 100 word submission for the challenge, Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers. We are given a prompt photo and approximately 75-175 words with which we use to create our story. Our photo prompt this week is from The challenge is fun and addictive and everyone is invited to participate. For more information, click HERE.

To read the other fabulous stories submitted by wonderful writers, click on the blue froggy button below.


SPF-Making Up

Red faced and angry, he stormed out of the house and drove away. I was crushed. Why take off in the middle of a disagreement and not stay and work things out? Seems I have married a runner.

Disheartened, I put our baby into the stroller and we went for a walk around the neighborhood.

It felt good to be out in the wonderful fresh air and sunshine. It helped me see things in a much clearer perspective and my anger and frustration disintegrated and turned into understanding.

After about an hour of enjoying our lovely brisk walk, the baby and I went back home to find Kevin there waiting for us. He handed me a single long stemmed beautiful rose bud (his peace offering).

Wiping a tear away, I put the bud in a vase and kissed him. I sure love this guy!

Making up is simply the best!


Thank you to Al Forbes for hosting Sunday Photo Fiction challenge and for supplying us with our prompt photo this week. Al provides us with a prompt photo and approximately 100-200 words with which we build our stories. The challenge is open to all who would like to participate and for more information, click here.

To read all the fabulous stories submitted for this challenge, click here.


MFtS – The Devil’s Abode

The cemetery spread along the area known as Devils Abode” has the graves and tombs of Klu Klux Klan members that fought violently against freeing the black slaves and even tried to wipe out the black race. After their bodies were buried here it became known as the Devils Abode and no one else wants to be buried here. I consider it to be a “dead” cemetary. In fact, family members of the cemetery’s population refuse to come here to pay their respects to their family member. They say, they have no respect for the men that dealt out torture and killing like these men did. No one takes care of their plots or puts flowers on their graves. Seems not one single soul wants to be identified with them. Can’t say that I blame them. As for me, I am writing a novel titled, “Devils Abode.” It is about the men that are buried here and their terrible crimes.


Barbara Beacham hosts Monday Finish the Story Challenge where she provides us with a photo prompt, the first sentence to our stories, and approximately 150 words in which we are to use to build our stories. It’s fun and addicting! Everyone is invited to participate. If you are interested in more information, click here. To read the other wonderful stories click on the link below:

An InLinkz Link-up


SPF-The Merry Maiden

The seas are graced with the continual ghostly presence of the ship, the “Merry Maiden,” whose crew and passengers all mysteriously went missing fifty-seven years ago. Not one single sign of them have been found since. It is thought that the ship passed through some type of magnetic field that transported the passengers and crew to a different time and space.

As the ship continues its voyage, the lights come on at the exact same time every night and beautiful piano music along with laughter and various chatter can be heard coming from the ship. Everyone that boards the Merry Maiden cannot find one single soul aboard.

Because it is believed the passengers and crew are still aboard the ship, residing in a different time, the ship is left alone to cruise the seas and continue their “maiden” voyage.

Perhaps one day they will return the same way they left.


Thank you to Alistair Forbes for hosting the Sunday Photo Fiction challenge and providing our prompt photo this week.

Alistair gives us the prompt photo and approximately 100-200 words with which we write our stories and share them on the InLinkz Grid. This challenge is open to all who want to participate. For more information, please click here.

To read the wonderful stories by amazing writers, please click here.

FFfAW – Big Decision

The Jelbralta rocks in the country hills have been Caroline’s get away place for years. When she and Bobby fight, she hikes here to gather her thoughts, unwind from stress, and find peace.

Sitting on the ground, she leans her back against the enormous rock, and instantly feels stress free. Her mind clears of all the angry “noise” of their latest fight.

Closing her eyes, she feels the stress draining from her mind and finds herself at the ocean where the waves stroke the sandy beach, seagulls call over her head and the sun cocoons her in its warm gentle embrace.

Suddenly, she perks up. “That’s it! I have finally made up my mind.”

Jumping up she heads back to the apartment to tell Bobbie she is leaving for good this time. The Pacific ocean has been calling her for a very long time and it’s high time she go.


Thank you to Louise with The Storyteller’s Abode for the photo prompt this week!

This is my 150 word submission for Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers Challenge. We are given a photo prompt and approximately 100-175 words with which we use to build our stories. This challenge is open to anyone who would like to participate. It is fun and addicting. For more information, click here:

To read the other participants’ stories, click below on the blue froggy button.





FFfAW – Fear of Heights

Looking down petrifies me. I feel a knot rising from my stomach, sticking inside my throat. Oh my God, I’m going to retch. Fear seizes me. My head is spinning and I’m gasping for breath as the color slowly drains from my face. I look at Robert and he understands immediately I am descending into a full blown panic attack. Grabbing the railing for my dear life, my PTSD clicks in and I fall to the floor of the bridge with unrestrained sobbing.

My patient husband picks me up and holds me close while my mind spins through a chaotic mess of frightening images.

Breathe in…. one… two… three… hold….hold…. release.

With my husband still holding me, my breathing returns to normal. He calmly tells me, “Honey, we are on the other side now.” I release a huge sigh of relief.

“But, we need to go back for our car.”


Thank you to Etol Bagam for our photo prompt this week.

This is my submission for Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers Challenge. It’s a fun challenge that welcomes all who want to participate. We are given a photo prompt and approximately 100-175 words with which we use to write our stories. If you would like more information, please click here.

Please click on the blue froggy button to read all the fantastic stories for this challenge.


MFtS: Flying

“Delphine always wanted to pilot her father's plane and when he forgot his keys on her tenth birthday, she knew that taking off would be easy.”

She spied the keys lying on the lamp table next to the staircase. She had watched her dad fly the plane thousands of times. She felt sure she could fly the plane too. In fact, she felt so sure of it that she decided to walk to the hanger and do just that. She was going to fly that plane. Her dad would never find out, she would make sure of that.

When she got to the hanger, she got into the plane and put in the keys in the ignition and turned it on. She slowly crept the plane out of the hanger and drove it down the runway, gaining momentum to lift off. She finally was able to lift the plane off the runway. She was so exhilarated! She was flying the plane! Then she looked below her and saw two men in uniforms running down the runway yelling something she couldn't hear. They looked very upset. What does she do now?

Taking off was easy, but now, how does she land it? Help!

(150 words)

Barbara Beacham kindly hosts Monday's Finish the Story Challenge. She gives us a photo prompt, the first sentence for our story and approximately 150 words with which we use to build our stories. The challenge is fun and addicting. For more information click on this link MFtS.

Thank you to Martin Furman for providing the first sentence to our story:

“Delphine always wanted to pilot her father's plane and when he forgot his keys on her tenth birthday, she knew that taking off would be easy.”

To read other stories: MFtS Grid



Delightful Bloom

This is my first week to participate in the weekly challenge, “Random Moments of Delight.”

This plant in the picture is a “Christmas Cactus” given to me as a Christmas present. Recently, it started blooming. Here in the Southwest USA there aren't many colors in our winter landscape; so even a small blossom such as this is a happy surprise.

The link to this challenge is:


The link to this blog post is
