FFfAW – Sunday Drive

My husband and I decided to take a country drive one weekend. We wanted to see all the farms in the area and just enjoy a Sunday outing.

We saw many beautiful farmhouses and this one in particular was my favorite. The fog has settled peacefully on the field waiting for the sun to burst into a spectacular sunshiny day.

The drive was peaceful and relaxing and we enjoyed seeing all the gorgeous farms, deep down wishing we could own one.

Who knows? Maybe one day our dreams will come true.


Thank you Jodi McKinney for our photo prompt this week!


This is my 91 word story for the flash fiction challenge, Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers. We are given a photo prompt that is kindly photographed by our participants and approximately 75-175 words with which to create our stories. It's fun and everyone is invited to participate. For more information, click HERE.

To read all the stories submitted for this challenge, click on the blue froggy button below:


42 thoughts on “FFfAW – Sunday Drive

  1. I think we all need dreams, even if it is only to write. It was a lovely picture and a lovely report on a day out

  2. Oh I love your “dreamy” short story! I will always remember it when I am at my son’s house as this is the view across the street from him. 🙂 So glad to be able to contribute a photo for your story! 🙂 ❤

  3. Your story is such a peaceful one, PJ and suits the photo beautifully.

    P.S. I’m looking forward to writing flash fiction for your FFFAW prompts again! I’ve missed the FFFAW community so much.

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