FFfAW – The Cruise

My wife and I have been saving for a cruise for years. We were determined to go on a cruise in 5 years so we scrimped and saved until we finally had enough.

A week before we left I became very ill and would have to postpone my side of the trip. I didn't want my wife to miss out on something she had looked forward to for 5 years. I convinced her she should go without me.

I had mixed feelings when I saw her off. I felt sad for me but happy for her. I already miss her.


Thank you Ted Strutz for our photo prompt this week!



This is my 100 word story for the flash fiction challenge, Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers. We are given a photo prompt that is kindly photographed by our participants and approximately 75-175 words with which to create our stories. It's fun and everyone is invited to participate. For more information, click HERE.

To read all the stories submitted for this challenge, click on the blue froggy button below:



52 thoughts on “FFfAW – The Cruise

  1. awww – such a sweet gesture of love! you continue to amaze me with the way you can convey so much from a simple photo in so few words!!!

  2. Wow a wonderful gesture that his wife of many years that he was supposed to be able to go on this dream cruise with goes while he stays behind sick. I’m sure that tough on him both physically and emotionally. I’m sure they’ll both think of each other on their different journies. I hope when she returns he’s still alive. I’d think she’d want to spend his last months with him, Cruise or not. Heartbreaking piece!

  3. Awe that’s bittersweet…maybe she’ll find the cure for what ails him while on the cruise!! And they live happily ever after!! Hi PJ!! I hope you had a terrific Tuesday and have a wonderful rest of the week. ((HUGS!!)) xoxo ❤ 🙂

  4. Sweet and caring hubby to give her the opportunity to travel on the cruise despite his missing it.
    I don’t think I’d be able to go without my hubby. I’m sure I’d wait. Heartfelt story, Pj. Nicely done !!!
    Izzy 😎

      • Yes … I think they will miss each other. It comes through in your story. Traveling and doing things together create memories that are best spent with those we love so we can share our thoughts later when we are both unable to do much. Lovely story creating insightful dialog.

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