FFfAW – The President

The sun was beating down as the crowd gathered to see the President emerge from the building.

I had seen him on the television but never in person and I heard he was a character larger than life. I wasn't so sure about that. He just seemed to be a loud, foul mouthed man.

There is a lot of people that don't like him and have threatened his life. I guess that is the reason for all of the police and security restraining the crowd from coming any closer.

Suddenly, he appeared but he didn't seem so bad to me?



Thank you Yarnspinnerr for our photo prompt this week!

This is my 100 word story for the flash fiction challenge, Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers. We are given a photo prompt that is kindly photographed by our participants and approximately 75-175 words with which to create our stories. It's fun and everyone is invited to participate. For more information, click HERE.

To read all the stories submitted for this challenge, click on the blue froggy button below:


34 thoughts on “FFfAW – The President

  1. It’s a crazy crazy world out there right now so unlike the other folks who think differently, I can totally picture it. Nice going.

  2. I enjoyed what you did with this prompt. I was rather slow to decide on a theme for this weeks prompt.

I would love to read your thoughts...